Saturday 9 November 2013

How to backup drivers of your system.....

When you buy a new pc or laptop,it is loaded with all the original and updated drivers.
They also provide you a drivers disk which you can use further when you will install a new copy of windows but the thing is we don’t know about the versions of those drivers and drivers disk may contain old version drivers , also we don’t know which drivers are important for our machine.
Also sometimes drivers disk may be not working due to scratches etc.
So their is a tool which will solve this problem and you can easily backup the drivers of your machine.
Tool used to perform this task is Double driver and it is a free utility
You can search this tool from google.

Double driver
It is a portable tool (requires no any installation).
You have to run this tool as administrator in windows vista,windows 7 and windows 8.
This tool will scan all the drivers which are installed in your system,you can also choose the important drivers for backup
After scan,when you will click on the backup,it will create backup and place the drivers in a different folder
Now no need to find and download the drivers for your system or to buy a driver disk for your system,just use double driver to make backup and save that backup in a safe hard disk for future use.
I hope this article have solved your problem to save system drivers for future use(on new installation of operating system).

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